[d3] singapore-johor bahru

A shady Bukit Timah Road and Woodlands Road get me from Little India to within a kilometre of the Woodlands Checkpoint. The riding is easy, the traffic light (and apparently respectful of a laden bicycle).

There's no obvious bicycle path onto the causeway from Woodlands Road, so I negotiate an unconventional entry to the motorcycle lane leading up to the Checkpoint.

Singapore departure formalities completed, I ride the short distance across the causeway, clear Malaysian customs and immigration and arrive in downtown Johor Bahru well before noon.

After swapping some Singapore dollars for Malaysian ringgits at a local moneychanger, I wend through JB's back streets, onto the main roads and out to the Hotel Seri Malaysia at Larkin. The rest of the afternoon I spend wandering around Larkin and its markets.

An easy day in the saddle, but significant. Leaving Singapore marks the real beginning of a few weeks on the road and I'm elated at being here.

July 17 | 39.7 kilometres | 2:18 | 17.2 km/h average

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